miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

End of term activities

Dear all,

This are the instructions for the activities that are coming.

1- Oral presentations about rooms comparisons.


- Work in pairs.
- Compare two pictures (two living rooms, two bedrooms, etc.)
- Write it down and print it with the pictures.
- Hand it in on Monday, 12th of July.

2- Last evaluations:

We are not having the second test and oral part. We are having oral presentation about recipes instead. These are the instructions:

Food activity: Monday 12th of July.

- Prepare a report of the preparation of a menu, i.e., a beverage, a main course, and a desset. Print it and hand it in. This counts for the second written exam.
- Choose one of the meals and present it to your classmates. e

Example: Let's imagibe your are making a cake. Prepare the cake at home and make a short video of the preparation. It does not need to have audio. If you cannot make a video, you can even present a PPT with pictures of the stages of the preparation (ingredients, mixing, baking, etc.). In the class you will explain the steps of preparation. Finally, in the second hour, we are going to share a good time eating the diferent kinds of food you have prepared.

Some useful vocabulary for the recipes:

cooking vocabulary


Final listening, Friday 8th.

Good luck

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

The future


As I need to go now, I am leaving you the instructions of an asignments that I need you to send me at the end of the class. My email is juanchamorroarenas... you know the rest.


Write down a short paragraph descrbing your plans for the weekend, or for next summer. Combine the future with "will" and with "going to."

As a sort of hint, here you have some cases:

- When there is evidence a future event, we use...
- When we are unsure about the future, we use "probably" with...
- When we have plans, we use...
- When we don't have plans we use "maybe" with...
- When we make a decision at the moment of speaking, we use...
- When we make a predition, we use...
- When we make a promise, we use...

Here you have some references to know what tenses to choose:

("will" and "going to")
http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verb-tenses_future.htm ("will")

exercise: http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs19.htm

Luck luck with it!